Donate Food + Personal Care Items
Most Needed Items This Month -
Most Needed Items This Month -
Breakfast Cereal
Pasta & Sauce
Canned Tuna & Canned Fruit
Peanut Butter
Pancake Mix & Maple Syrup
Dish Soap
Toilet Paper
Donation Drop-Off
Donations of food and personal care items can be dropped off at the pantry on Monday, Wednesday or Friday morning between 8am and 12 noon.
Outside of these hours, non perishable food donations should be placed in the green drop-off box by the front door. Please do NOT place perishable food in the donation box. Any items left on the ground will be discarded.
we do not accept shoes, clothing, household items,
medical devices, toys, electronics, electrical goods or appliances.
The following items are always welcome!
non perishable food
Canned fruit & vegetables
Canned tuna
Canned & instant soup
Macaroni & cheese
Spaghetti sauce & pasta
Peanut butter & jelly
Cereals (hot & cold)
Canned beans
Powdered milk
Pancake mix & syrup
Baby food, cereal & formula
hygiene & personal care
Diapers—especially L and XL
(in small packages)Soap products
Toilet tissue
Paper towels & tissues
Feminine hygiene products
Shampoo, deodorant, etc...
Toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc...
Pet food—especially dog & cat
Since we serve both individuals and families, we can use individual size as well as regular sized packages.